Ads must be submitted 3 weeks before each scheduled performance.
Payment Option 1: Payments can be made by cash or check made out to the DA Orchestra along with your order form. Checks or cash can be placed in the DA orchestra safe. Only checks can be mailed to Douglas Anderson School of the Arts, Attn: Brian Griffin DA Orchestra, 2445 San Diego Rd, Jax, FL 32207
Payment Option 2: Students/Parent with a CutTime account. Submit the order form and indicate CutTime payment. Once the form is received and processed the fee will be added to your student's CutTime account for online payment.
Payment Option 3: Pay via credit card and submit the order form. Note the payment will display as a "donation", however the payment will be credited to your purchase.
Ads not submitted to the above address may be overlooked.
FOR SPONSORS AND PATRONS: Click here to make payments via our Givebutter donor site
Advertising form 3 concerts (pdf)
DownloadTo help with fundraising activities, contact
Douglas Anderson Orchestra
2445 San Diego Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32207 us