CutTime has replaced Charms as our database for all your student's needs. Each student will receive a "Magic Link" to their account allowing both parents and students access without the need to login. Bookmark your magic link to your browser, subscribe to the orchestra calendar, pay fees, and more using this new program. Click this link for a short tutorial.
If you do not receive your CutTime magic link by the first week of school please email us at:
To cover the basic needs of our students, Douglas Anderson Orchestra families are expected to pay their "Fair Share". Fair Share is an annual fee paid to the Douglas Anderson Orchestra Boosters. These funds are spent based on a budget that is established by the DA Orchestra Boosters’ Executive Board, with input from the orchestra directors.
In addition to Fair Share, gentlemen must purchase their required performance attire, an approved tuxedo.. Several manufacturers, with reasonable fees, are recommended each year. Incoming female students must purchase the required dress. Purchase information is provided during the orchestra orientation and is available on this site.
Additionally, many orchestra students rent school owned instruments from the school for use at school and home, there is an additional fee for these instruments.
To help families pay these fees the DA Orchestra Boosters offers numerous opportunities throughout the school year for parents and students to raise fees through fundraising opportunities.
Complete information regarding Fair Share payments and responsibilities are found in the Parent/Student Handbook. It is the Parent & Student's responsibility to review and become familiar with these policies.
Douglas Anderson Orchestra
2445 San Diego Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32207 us